The Current American Dilemma is Unfortunately Familiar

The first time I saw Do The Right Thing was nearly 20 years after it was released. The sets and costume design seemed a bit dated, but by now neon colors and short shorts are back in fashion. That' s what I get for judging things in my 20's. Now I'm the doofus who walks around in baggy pants w ith a dad hat. Anyway, it was a good movie and like most good movies, it gets better with each viewing. One particular part of it, though, has resonated with me lately given the current state of affairs in America. As you may know, the climax of Do The Right Thing is eerily similar to the real-life murder of George Floyd in 2020. A white police officer kills a black man without a valid reason and a riot ensues. Afterwards, the main characters are left exhausted, unsatisfied, and still searching for answers. Before the closing credits, the following two quotes are displayed, and this is what has been rolling around in my head over the past few weeks: "I think there are plenty...