Yankees on the 2022 BBWAA Hall of Fame Ballot - Those Who Enhanced Performance
We closed 2021 with our first peek at some former Yankees the 2022 BBWAA Hall of Fame ballot. Now it's time to dig in to the more controversial figures as baseball continues to deal with the fallout from the "steroid" era. This year will be the final shot for Roger Clemens and it looks like it will be a photo finish for him. As he exits we also welcome newcomer Alex Rodriguez who's sure to generate just as much, if not more, controversy than Clemens has in his ten years on the ballot. For each player, their JAWS (Jaffe Average WAR Score, developed by Jay Jaffe) value is given along with the average Hall of Famer's JAWS at they player's position. JAWS is a Hall of Fame rating system based on WAR that incorporates both career and peak value. If you're interested in learning more about this, click here . Roger Clemens - Starting Pitcher, JAWS: 102.6, HoF JAWS: 61.4 If pitchers are to be judged based solely on what they accomplished on the mound, Roger Cleme...