Jimmy Sez Film Review: The Captain

While the Yankees slowly let their stranglehold on the American League evaporate this summer, ESPN gave us all a palate cleanser in the form of The Captain , a documentary miniseries detailing Derek Jeter's career. Cut from the same mold as The Last Dance - which detailed Michael Jordan's career with the Chicago Bulls - the seven-part series told Jeter's story mostly from his perspective with a healthy dose of commentary from others who were along for the ride. During his career Jeter was a notoriously boring subject to interview. He was always cordial, answering all questions that came his way, but the responses were typically nothing more than boilerplate stuff about putting the team and winning above all. It was going to be interesting to see if The Captain was anything more than the usual fare from Jeter. I was hopeful that it would be. As I may have mentioned before, Derek Jeter and I are good pals . When I met him, I was surprised at how engaged, thoughtful and hone...