Another Yankee Failure and Some Good News For Jimmy Sez

Our objective was to win a World Championship. We failed in that endeavor. Does that mean the whole season was a failure? No. - Hal Steinbrenner, October 13, 2020 This quote is from two years ago, but really could have been from any October over the last ten years or so, including this one. Hal Steinbrenner always mentions winning the World Series when talking about his goals. His actions, however, indicate that his actual goal is to field a team just good enough to make the playoffs and potentially luck into a World Series rather than pursue a championship at any and all costs. The second half of the quote above reveals those true motives. The palpable cognitive dissonance within Hal's head is as hilarious as it is sad. The 2022 version of the Yankees were no exception to this theme. They were a good team that was at times great. Yet come playoff time it was clear that they're nowhere near the same stratosphere as the Houston Astros, who have dominated the American League fo...