Yankees on the 2025 BBWAA Hall of Fame Ballot - Championship Edition

In the first two installments of this series we focused on players who had only brief stints with the Yankees and were mostly remembered for playing with other teams. Now we're ready to take a deep dive into some players who are known primarily as Yankees, mainly because they won the only World Series championships of their careers in pinstripes. Each of these guys has a viable case for the Hall of Fame, but for various reasons only one is likely to be elected this year. For each player, their JAWS (Jaffe Average WAR Score, developed by Jay Jaffe) value is given along with the average Hall of Famer's JAWS at the player's position. JAWS is a Hall of Fame rating system based on WAR that incorporates both career and peak value. If you're interested in learning more about this, click here . CC Sabathia - Starting Pitcher - JAWS: 50.8, HoF JAWS: 61.5 In December 2008 George Steinbrenner responded to the first playoff-less season the Yankees had since 1994 with the fire of...