WAR Primer Volume 1 – Position Player Components

This post is part of a series that includes material originally written for The New York Yankees All-Time All-Stars but had to hit the cutting room floor prior to publication. For other posts in the series you can search for the label "Author's Cut" on this site. Ranking each Yankee player by position throughout the team's long history was no small task. To make the decisions easier, WAR (Wins Above Replacement) and its close relative WAA (Wins Above Average) were the two main performance metrics used. At a high level, the concept of these metrics are simple. They attempt to quantify how many of his team's wins a player was personally responsible for. Before we can start to think about wins, though, we need to start with runs. There are three main run components that are used in the wins calculations for position players and they are readily available online thanks to the wonderful folks at baseball-reference.com - an invaluable resource for anyone interest...