Welcome to the Blog

Hello and welcome to Jimmy Sez, a blog that will mostly be dedicated to content on the New York Yankees. There's been no shortage of Yankee blogs floating around the internet, some of which I have contributed to over the years. So what's this one all about? I'm so glad you asked!

A couple of years ago I got an email from an editor at Lyons Press who was looking to publish a series of books chronicling all-time All-Star teams in professional sports. It turns out I had written an article doing just that for the Yankees back in 2014 and he wanted to know if I was interested in expanding that into a full-length manuscript. I immediately said "yes", paying no mind to the fact that I knew nothing about writing a book. I'd figure that out later. This was my golden opportunity to write a book about my favorite team.

For about a year thereafter I stumbled my way through writing that full-length manuscript. While nobody I've ever met would consider me wordy, one of the biggest mistakes I made in writing the book was including about twice as many words as I had in my budget from the publisher. That meant I had to make lots of wholesale cuts before the editing process could even begin at Lyons Press.

This is a place for all of those words that hit the cutting room floor. Some will be in the form of profiles on managers and general managers, others will offer an in-depth primer on the advanced metrics that were used to rank the players and inform my decisions. There were also a few honorable mentions that just couldn't fit into the finished product.

Once these extra words are exhausted, or even before then, I'm sure I'll have other thoughts on the Yankees, Giants, Knicks, Islanders, Villanova basketball, AC/DC, dogs, Tarantino movies, polar bears, hats, anything really, that I can share here to varying degrees of interest from you the audience. For now, though, you can consider this the venue for all of the deleted scenes from The New York Yankees All-Time All-Stars. The Author's Cut if you will. I hope you enjoy.

And yes, the title of this blog is a nod to Yankee Stadium's favorite cheerleader. It's been nearly 10 years since he died and the Yankees haven't won a World Series since. Coincidence? Yes, probably.

Freddy Sez ready to lead the Yankee faithful.
Silent Wind of Doom/Wikimedia Commons


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