Yankees on the 2024 BBWAA Hall of Fame Ballot - The A-Team
Our Hall of Fame coverage here at Jimmy Sez continues with our first look at the recently released BBWAA ballot for 2024 . The list includes eight former Yankees, and most of them have garnered enough support from the electorate to settle in for a nice, long stay on the ballot. That's certainly the case with the first four candidates we'll dig in to, who were put into a group simply because their first or last initial allows me to reference an 80's TV show in the title of this post. Only one player from this group has an outside chance to gain election this year, but it wouldn't be surprising to see all of them in the Hall of Fame eventually. Even if it's through the back door via a Veterans Committee vote further down the road. For each player, their JAWS (Jaffe Average WAR Score, developed by Jay Jaffe) value is given along with the average Hall of Famer's JAWS at the player's position. JAWS is a Hall of Fame rating system based on WAR that incorporates ...